Fast Blinking Hello Kitty

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Butter London- part two

Hello once again,
well I don't have much to say. All was said in yesterdays post. If you missed it, you can have a look here.
So, I have the three last Butter Londons that I swatched so , here we go:)

First up, is "Lovely Jubbly". Another glitter bomb and a gorgeous one!! I would describe it as a purple polish packed with micro red, blue and gold glitter! This one really shines in the light and just looks lovely on your nails! In the sun, it tends to change color as well, going from dark to lighter. I have two coats on but would definitely suggest three. It was not as bad as the other glitter bombs. There was some balding but im sure another coat would have not done that  and its not as gloopy. This is one I definitely want!!

 Just look at all that glitter!! I know there are some who don't like glitter, if that is the case, then this is not for you. But if you sometimes like it or want to give it a try, I would suggest this! So pretty!

 You can definitely see the balding I mentioned on the pinky. And again, I don't have a top coat on so if you don't like the rough look, a top coat would change that:)

Next, I have "Henly Regatta". Now, I love blues and greens and sparkles so I saved this for last. I was swatching a friends polishes so I wanted to save what I thought would be my fav for last. I thought I would choose this with "Slapper", using this for an accent nail or two. However, I was very disappointed with it. First of all, I did use three coats for this because the two was just not opaque at all. One looked like almost nothing and even at three, its still very light. So I would suggest it for a top coat or something. Unless you want to use half your bottle. And at the price of these polishes, I know I dont want to do that. IT was also hard to work with in that it was on the gloopy side but my main issue was how sheer it was. IT is a nice color. Usually right up my alley. A clear base with green and teal micro glitter is something I would normally go gaga over! So , these swatches are sheer. You would have to put on a good , at least five coats, I would say, to get it opaque.

 See how sheer it is?? And after three coats??:( It is pretty though and over a green or teal polish, would look and work a lot better.

 Not sure why there is so much balding at the tips? I put it on evenly all over....

And now, as the saying goes, I saved the best for last. "Slapper" is a teal creme and is GORGEOUS! I guess I am biased because I love blue and greens but I just loved this color. The only issue was the application. I have on four coats on these swatches because I was going to keep this on for my mani. It took four coats to even it all out and have no streaks. It was opaque to my liking after two but had so streaks and such so had to put on another two. And again, for the price of the bottle, it would make it go a bit on the fast side. The color is gorgeous though and I love it so much that I would strongly consider getting this one. Or at least swapping for it. In some swatches I have seen, it was more on the blue side. I actually thought it was a blue polish until I saw it. My pictures make it look more green then it really is. Again, its not blue, its not green, its teal:)

 See what I mean??!! Look at these two pictures. Same camera and same flash but one looks greener then the other. Bottom one is bluer.

 AH!! I dont know why theres balding at the tips!! I dont notice this until I am uploading pictures. So sorry guys. Please bare with me. As you can obviously tell, I am no pro at this. I do this for the fun and love of it:)

 And even with four coats, if you look closely, you can still see VNL. Albeit, very lightly.

AS I said, this was my fav color and what I choose to keep on as a mani, however, I added my second fav from the collection "Trustafarian" as an accent nail. SO my final mani looked like this.....

And Voila. There you have it. So overall, I was not too impressed with Butter London. They are decent polishes but, I think you're paying for the name. If I do buy some, I think I will stick to cremes because the sparkle ones seem goopy. Unless, its a color I must have. There are some gorgeous cremes I have seen and even though my experience wasnt all that great with these, I would still be willing to give it a chance. But would have to get it from a swap or sale or it would have to be one I REALLY want. I just got "bluey" in a swap today. have not tried it yet but does look pretty. Anxious to see how it turns out. Well I hope you guys liked my post. Let me know what you think:) Till next time, take care and keep on painting them nails:)

Monday, 29 October 2012

Butter London- part one

Hello all,
Hope everyone is doing well and to all my fellow polish-aholics and families in the midst of hurricane Sandy, I pray that all are safe! BE careful! TO pass the time, if you're stuck inside and have internet connection, I have some lovely Butter London Swatches today. I dont own any myself, but a great friend of mine lent me hers so I can try them out and see if I like them. I always found them a bit on the expensive side and thought that I could find dupes for most colors I saw, apart from a few so I wanted to try some out before I decided. I must say, some of these I tried, I did love! And the formula and application is great and I like the brush. But still, whereas I will be buying a few of these swatched here for this post, I don't think I will be getting that many. The only thing that gets me is the price. But, if a color is gorgeous and dont see any dupes, it is definitely worth it! I just prefer getting indies at this price but....
So on to the swatches! I have for you,  "Shag" "Dodgy Barnett" "Gobsmaked" "Trustafarian" "the black knight" and will do "lovely jubbly" "Henley Regatta" and my favourite one, "Slapper" on tomorrows post!

First up is "Shag" and before I continue, this is the second time I did a bunch of swatching. So, the clean up is not the best and my cuticles get worse as I go on.....

So shag is a real beauty, especially for fall! It has brown and red shimmer to it. With two coats, it was just the way I like it. I did , however , just remove some glitter that was real hard to remove so in the pictures, you see some bumps. That has nothing at all to do with this polish. That is totally on me. This polish had great and smooth application:)

 These are with the flash. With the flash on, it looks much more how it is in real life but depending on the angle/light, its more brown at times. You really see the red in these pictures. I would call it a reddish copper color:)

 and without the flash, you definitely see more brown! As I said, the bubbles are my fault, nothing to do with the polish.

 I love the way it kind of has a metallic look to it. Its not a metallic polish, but just "feels" like it...if that makes sense. I like this one, as I said, perfect for fall.

 Up next is "dodgy Barnett" which is a silver holo. I love holo's (who doesnt?) but this one is very light! the lightest holo I have ever came across. I hate polishes that show VNL because I hate the color of my nails. I was really looking forward to this one but was a bit disappointed  I don't have a silver holo and have wanted one for a while now. But, I would not get this one. Don't get me wrong, its a pretty color, but just not for me. I would prefer a thick one. All these pictures are 2 coats. I would have put another and maybe that would have made a difference. I have seen some swatches that look better then how mine turned out, but as I said, its a friends bottle and I already saw a dent in her bottle just from these swatches so I stopped at two....

this first and second  is only one coat though, and you can see the NL..

 and on to two coats:) With flash.

 as you can see, it definitely is a holo polish and it is gorgeous, I just wish it was darker. Maybe I needed 3 coats, but all my other holo's at least dont have VNL after 2... My only issue is for the price, and the bottle seemed to be going fast for only swatching 4 nails, I wish it was darker. But hey, maybe its supposed to be this way. Im just here to say my opinion and I was not that happy with it.

 And onto "Gobsmaked" which is a charcoal gray glitter with hints of silver. It is a "rough" polish, meaning the glitter isnt smooth and I like that:) If you dont, just add a top coat. I didnt. I did have a bit of an issue with it being on the thick side. It was goopy and left bald spots on places that I see more in pictures then when I was looking at them. In swatches of this, it reminded me of galaxy nails so I was excited to try it out. I am a little disappointed with this one as well. Its not what I was expecting. It is a nice polish once you get it on but I wont be rushing out to buy it....

 Especially in the first picture, you can see some bald spots. All of these are two coats.

 See what I mean by it being rough? I know most people will put a top coat on top and that would make it have the smooth and shiny, finished look, but, call me weird, I like it this way.

 I guess with the top coat, it would look as pretty as it does in the bottle:) I may have to borrow this again and add some.....

I was really trying to not make a mess and avoid as much clean up as possible so that is why the sides of my nails seem bare.....

Up next is "trustafarian" which is pretty much just like "dodgy Barnett" but this time it is a green and gold holo. However I was much happier with this one! Again, I wanted a light green holo for awhile and I would go and buy this one. It did not have as much VNL and I love the way the gold and green go together and just shine!

 trust me, these pics do not give it justice. I love how the green and gold just sparkle and dazzle! With another coat, VNL would be history.
 I really think I am going to have to go and get myself a bottle of this one!

now onto one I am sure many of you have heard of, "the black knight". This one is a black polish packed with  purple, red, blue and gold glitter. I guess this is what is referred to as a "glitter bomb" At the moment, one of my fav manis is black jelly sammich with lots of glitter and then topped of with a matte top coat! I did not add matte this time but definitely would like to give it a shot. Again, this is one I like but I have so many black polishes and so much glitter polishes that, whereas it would not look like this, I can get it pretty close..

 this one also has that rough look to it but I would definitely add a top coat if I had been doing a full mani:)

 again, this is much better in person! If the prices were not so high I would get it. It is gorgeous!

Well guys, I must get to bed. I still have a few more to swatch and will do that tomorrow! this post is already getting long. That leads me to a question. Is it better to do one really long blog post, if all the polishes go together? Or, I see a lot of people to two parts at times. Thinking that is better rather then overwhelming people. I know I add a lot of pictures ! I take SO MANY and trust me, what I add is not even a third of what I took.....
SO what do you guys think of what I showed so far? DO you like any? Own any? How do you feel about paying high prices for polishes? Do you only get if you really want one? Or if the brand is worth it?? The highest I go is usually 10-11 which is what I pay for my Essie's and OPi's and these are the polishes I own the most of. Do you consider it an investment? I wish money wasn't an issue, as most of us do, and could just buy ALL THE POLISH I WANT!!!!
Well, tune in tomorrow for the rest of my swatches. Hope you enjoyed this one. Love to hear back from you guys!